Cambridge Detective Agency – Services

Process Serving
We are instructed by District, County and City Councils, Government Departments, Solicitors Firms, Finance Companies and Private Individuals to effect personal service of court documents such as Injunctions, Witness Summonses, Claim Forms, Squatters proceedings, Divorce Petitions, Statutory Demands and Bankruptcy Petitions, upon individuals or businesses. Our agents are highly trained, have local knowledge that is second to none, are conversant with the legal procedures and objectives and exercise tact, professionalism and discretion at all times.
All assignments are reported upon in writing and if required the relevant certificate, statement or affidavit confirming service details will be supplied by our process server.
Tracing/Missing Persons
In general we are instructed to trace debtors, missing persons, Will beneficiaries, old friends and witnesses to incidents. We provide a free consultation and will evaluate each case on its merits and will assist the client to assess the prospects of a positive outcome prior to any expenditure being made.
We can provide an agent or a team of operatives, but this will depend on how we assess each scenario, whilst paying particular attention to requirements, directives and budgets. We conduct surveillance work in connection with matrimonial, divorce and criminal cases together with any other cases that merit a closer inspection.
This service covers a broad spectrum and can involve anything from missing pets to nuisance neighbours.
Crime/Accident Scene
After the event we are asked to attend crime scenes and accident scenes by Solicitors Firms or Insurance Companies in order interview and take statements from any possible witnesses, draw sketch plans, make general enquiries and record the locus using a camera or video or both. The appropriate statements and reports will be supplied which will present the findings and exhibits.
Criminal Defence/Prosecution
We primarily work for the Defence. If you have been arrested or accused of an offence that you did not commit or if there are other factors or circumstances that need to be looked at then your Defence Solicitor will engage us in order to make enquiries on your behalf. This will normally involve attending the scene, tracing, interviewing and taking statements from witnesses together with providing a photographic record and sketch plans where necessary. We also conduct prison visits.
We do also prepare Prosecution cases as there are occasions when the Police do not have the time or resources to deal with internal company thefts, pilferage and a whole range of other problems endured by private individuals or companies. We will then be called in to provide much the same services as we do for our Defence clients. We prepare our own Statements and attend Court to give evidence if necessary.
Commercial Investigations
As stated under the Criminal Defence/Prosecution heading. We are called in by Companies to give advice about security and to assist dealing with offences or problems which may be encountered within the business community. It is quite common for Companies to stipulate that a problem be dealt with quickly, discreetly and effectively without involving the Police or unwanted attention of the media.
Test Purchases/Mystery Shopper
If you have an employee in your business who you are not sure about or who you believe might not be upholding the service standards that you expect then we can assist by either conducting a test purchase or engaging with them within the business environment.